Victor Rovinsky

Candidate of Technical Sciences,



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Since 1992 – student of radiotechnical  faculty of state university  “Lvivska politechnica” with specialty “radioengineering ”. At the same time he was studying repairment  of radio and video devices and computer programming languages. After that, he worked as repairman of radio-electronic equipment at “Legion Ltd”, “Prestige” firm,  and as engineer in “Universal show”, Ltd.

Since 1998 – leading engineer at department of “information-measurement equipment” at IFNTUOG. Since 1998 till 2000 he was designinig and implementing information-measurement system for bell-type flow measurement automation for calibration  of gas counters for “Crimea-teplokomunenergo Ltd”.

Since 2000 – assistant and later (2007) – associative professor at cathedra of “Automatic control” at IFNTUOG. He was researching problems of diagnostic of well-pump units for commercial oil mining with rod dynamometry and electrical power consumption methods.

Since 2012 – associative professor at department of “Informatics” at Vasil Stefanyk precarpathian national university.

Since 2019 – associative professor at department of “Computer science and information systems” at Vasil Stefanyk precarpathian national university.

Author of more than 50 scientific and methodical-scientific works, including articles and tutorials, theses,  patents in field of technical and computer sciences and electronics.


Ukrainian – native;
Polish – A2;
English – B1, knowledge of specialized terminology;
Russian – C2.